Murchison Street Elementary Home

"Welcome to the home of the Mighty Cubs"

About Us

Welcome to Murchison Street Elementary....Home of the Mighty Cubs. The teachers, students, staff, and community members are absolutely magnificent. Together, we can inspire and lead all students to their highest potential. 


Feb 4

100 Days of School/5th Grade Parent Meeting

Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Auditorium

Feb 3

Spirit Week 100th Day of School

Location: on Campus

Dec 12

Holiday Program

Location: Auditorium

Dec 11

Workshop:Good Sleep for Emotional Wellbeing for Older Adults

Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Parent Center/Centro de Padres

Our Mission

Murchison Teachers and Staff believe:
The school curriculum should reflect the highest standards and expectations for our students.
The school should provide a safe, supportive, and challenging environment for student learning.
All students should have equal access to high quality curricular and extra-curricular activities.
The school curriculum should prepare students for real life situations.
Students should be technology literate.
Students should utilize and enhance their creative talents through the performing and fine arts.
All stakeholders need to feel ownership and responsibility for the success of the school.
Students should be responsible, self-motivated citizens who respect themselves and their environment.
Parents are the students' first teachers; therefore the school should be committed to involving parents in their children's education.